So what is this thing we call an elopement?
An elopement is an intentionally small, intimate, meaningful, authentic wedding day that’s a true reflection of who THE TWO OF YOU are, and a celebration of your love in which you do the things you've ALWAYS dreamed of.
This doesn't mean there won't be any guests, the great thing is that's all up to you! So an elopement can differ from being just the two of you (+ a wedding officiant for the official part + me as your photographer), to having a small selection of your most favorite people in the world there, usually up to max 20 guests.

Hello lovely people from all over the world!
Are you ready for an adventure of a lifetime?

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The best thing about eloping is that there are
no rules (freeedom!) and you can create an intentionally intimate wedding day that truly reflects who you are.
It can look like just the two of you rowing to a deserted island in a lake and saying your vows there in the privacy of just the two of you in the ruins of a cathedral, or inviting your dearest people to a handfasting ceremony in the Highlands of Scotland, or hiking up a glacier in Iceland with a soak in a thermal bath by the ocean afterwards to celebrate you getting married. Or what about doing a multiple day hike to that waterfall, while camping in the wild and having your ceremony witnessed by foxes and deer. Anything is possible!
Or, if you want to stay closer to home (wherever that may be), your wedding day can look like going up to a beautifully designed cabin by the sea or in the forest, relax together, going for a hot air balloon ride in the afternoon - where you will say your vows when you land amidst a meadow with wildflowers, having your favourite food made just for you (or getting that yummy take-away), and ending the day dancing around the campfire and stargazing.
Whatever you've always dreamed of, or haven't dared dream of, is possible!

Photo: Jeanne
A little bit about
the person you might spend the most memorable day of your life with
Hey, I'm Eva - a professional elopement photographer from the Netherlands and I'm incredibly excited about creating magical memories together!
I've always been a dreamer, introvert, with a wild imagination but also the occasional courage to make dreams come true (like being a photographer and traveling the world).
I fell in love with photography in the dark room, back in the days, and have been a professional photographer since 2011 - and been loving every minute of it (minus administration days).
I'm easygoing, more of a listener than a talker, but always curious about other people and this world we live in.
I love reading books, discovering new countries, pottering about in my garden, cooking good food and having picnics in beautiful places.
I was born in 1981, I live in the Netherlands and have 2 (mostly) adorable kids and also a (mostly) adorable husband.
Fun fact: when my husband and I were married for 10 years, we decided to celebrate and renew our vows. Together with our children, we traveled to the country of our hearts, Scotland, and had the most wonderful time on the Isle of Skye.
Unforgettable memories!

What's included?
- Planning assistance:
Assuming you haven't done this a lot, I fully understand you might want some help in dreaming up your elopement day so that it truly reflects who you are. We'll get to know each other, dream big, and as we go along I'll suggest locations, vendors, and a custom itinerary for your elopement day- if desired.
- a visual story to remember for a lifetime + wooden album:
your adventure, the meaningful connection and the fun you have together deserves to be captured forever. I will make sure you will look back upon this with the biggest smiles, when you leaf through your wedding album.
So yes, you'll get a custom wooden eco-album (20 x 20 cm, 12 spreads) together with your online gallery of photos.
- Privacy and a best buddy for the day:
it might feel weird in the beginning, when you think about eloping together but having this random camera person in your face all the time. Hah, and that's why it's so important to get to know each other beforehand! Also, I'm pretty easy going and I'll step away lots of times during your elopement, to capture you from afar or candidly. Privacy guaranteed!
- Traveling costs:
no unexpected travel fees afterwards, all my traveling costs and sleeping arrangements are included.

Elopement itinerary example
Just to give you an idea, I have drawn up an example of a possible elopement day.
Hopefully this will get you excited about ALL the possibilities...Once you're convinced an elopement might be just the right thing for you, I'd be really happy for us to get in touch to get to know eachother and talk about what your perfect elopement day should look like! Getting to know eachother is very important, since I'll be there to capture your whole day (don't worry, I won't be in your face and I'll give you lots of privacy! ;)). It's also important so that I can help you dream up a kick ass planning for the day, especially made for you and for the things that really suit you as a couple.

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PETS welcome!
Your pets, the other loves of your lives, need to be the guests of honour - I completely get that!
So hell yeah, of course I will capture your cat (after cuddling them first), and please bring your dog along. We can take them on long rambles through the heather together, or cosy up on the bed.
Animals bring a lot of joy to our lives, so why leave them out on your wedding day?

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The countries that make my heart beat faster, that take my breath away: Scotland, Iceland, Scandinavia, Ireland - and high on my wishlist - the Faroer Islands. The countries that I've traveled to (except for Faroer) and that I'm knowledgeable about. That's why I've decided to specialise in elopement photography in these northern countries. Together we'll discover the most breathtaking places!
And of course, an elopement in the Netherlands or Belgium is quite wonderful as well...from your own backyard, to the vastness of the Wadden eilanden, or the Ardennes with its mountains, rugged wilderness and ancient history.
Other plans or wishes? Drop me a line!
“You never know what may cross your path and fuel the Wildness of your Soul”

Northern countries specialist

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vow renewal
Still very much in love but secretly bummed out that you are already married, some x years ago, in a way that possibly doesn't really reflect you or your relationship anymore?
No worries, VOW RENEWALS to the rescue!
Relationships change, and so does your life. But if we're lucky, the love will only grow. I myself can testify that it's ever so special to honour that love every once in a while. To really reflect on how far the two of you have become. To celebrate all the good and the bad (let's face it) that has happened in all those years you've been together. To once again stand in front of each other in pretty attire, look each other deeply in the eyes, and speak words of love in a ceremony: we still choose each other.
3 day elopement adventure
- a video call or a visit at my daylight studio near Den Bosch to get to know each other
- help with dreaming up your elopement itinerary
- 18 hours of elopement photography spread over 3 adventurous days, in good company
- my travel costs & sleeping arrangements to Scotland, Ireland, Scandinavia, Iceland or the Faroer Islands
- at least 900 professionally edited photos, in an online gallery to easily share with friends and family + preview within a week
- the most gorgeous, biggest journal styled album in a wooden coffee table box 30 x 30 cm with 50 spreads
- a tree planted in your name at the end of the year
7800 €
for 18 hours of photography over 3 days

The Big Bang!
Elopement packages & pricing

1,5 days of
Elopement photography
- a video call or a visit at my daylight studio near Den Bosch to get to know each other
- help with dreaming up your elopement itinerary
- 12 hours of elopement photography in good company, spread over 1,5 adventurous days
- my travel costs & sleeping arrangements to Scotland, Ireland, Scandinavia, Iceland or the Faroer Islands
- at least 700 professionally edited photos, in an online gallery to easily share with friends and family + preview within a week
- a surprise album (wood, velvet) of 20 x 20 cm with 12 spreads (upgrade possible)
- a tree planted in your name at the end of the year
4800 €
for 12 hours of photography over 1,5 days
Full day of
Elopement photography
- a video call or a visit at my daylight studio near Den Bosch to get to know each other
- help with dreaming up your elopement itinerary
- 8 consecutive hours of elopement photography in good company, in 1 adventurous day
- my travel costs & sleeping arrangements to Scotland, Ireland, Scandinavia, Iceland or the Faroer Islands (minus 500 € when in the Netherlands or Belgium)
- at least 500 professionally edited photos, in an online gallery to easily share with friends and family + preview within a week
- a gorgeous surprise album (wood, velvet) of 20 x 20 cm with 12 spreads (upgrade possible)
- a tree planted in your name at the end of the year
3900 €
for 8 consecutive hours of photography in 1 day

Sweet & Short
Elopement adventure
- a video call or a visit at my daylight studio near Den Bosch to get to know each other
- help with dreaming up your elopement itinerary
- 3 consecutive hours of elopement photography in good company, in 1 adventurous day
- my travel costs to anywhere within in the Netherlands or Belgium. Other countries possible with added fee.
- at least 150 professionally edited photos, in an online gallery to easily share with friends and family + preview within a week
- a surprise album (wood, velvet) of 20 x 20 cm with 12 spreads (upgrade possible)
- a tree planted in your name at the end of the year
1500 €
for 3 consecutive hours of photography in 1 day
- only to be booked 3 months in advance
Wat is het verschil tussen een elopement en een intieme buitenbruiloft?Goede vraag! - Het grote verschil is dat je een elopement doorgaans viert met 2 mensen, waarbij eventueel een deel van de dag extra mensen aansluiten (tot max. 20 personen). Dus bij een elopement ben je een groot deel van de tijd met jullie twee, ook al besluiten jullie bijvoorbeeld in de avond wel met een klein clubje lievelingsmensen samen te zijn. Bij een intieme bruiloft zijn doorgaans zo rond de 40 a 50 mensen aanwezig. - Een ander groot verschil is de invulling van de dag. Bij een elopement ervaar je meer vrijheid in de daginvulling, terwijl er bij een intieme bruiloft doorgaans wel een wat meer traditionele dagplanning is (aankleden, fotoreportage, ceremonie, avondeten, feest - ook al vullen jullie dat geheel naar eigen idee in).
Zijn we dan wel echt getrouwd wanneer we elopen?Een elopement is minstens zo groots als een traditionele bruiloft, en daarna zijn jullie echt met elkaar getrouwd. Je kan er bijvoorbeeld voor kiezen om jullie ceremonie door een zelfstandig trouwambtenaar (babs) te laten voltrekken, of jullie vragen een goede vriend(in) om trouwambtenaar voor één dag te worden zodat jullie ceremonie extra persoonlijk is. Maar wellicht kiezen jullie wel voor een 'handfasting ceremony' of het voorlezen van jullie eigen geloften aan elkaar, terwijl jullie het wettelijke gedeelte al eerder op het gemeentehuis hebben geregeld. Ook per land verschillen de mogelijkheden. Er is heel veel mogelijk, en uiteraard denk ik desgewenst met jullie mee!
Fotografeer je overal ter wereld onze elopement?Ik ben dol op reizen en avontuur, dus laat me vooral jullie plannen weten! Dat gezegd hebbende; ik bereid me altijd goed voor op een elopement, en dus specialiseer ik me in de landen waar ik al vaker heb gewerkt en die mijn hart gestolen hebben. Dat zijn (met stip op nummer 1) Schotland, Ierland, IJsland en Scandinavie. En daar voeg ik héél graag de Faroer eilanden aan toe, nemen jullie me mee? ;)
Wij willen 'gewoon' in Nederland of Belgie elopen, kunnen we jou dan ook boeken?Graag zelfs! Er zijn echt geen ruigen bergen of weidse vergezichten nodig om te elopen. De liefde vieren zoals die bij jullie past, kan op iedere plek.
Heb je nog goede ideeën over hoe we onze elopement kunnen invullen?Oh zeker wel! Het belangrijkste is, dat alles draait om jullie liefde voor elkaar. En omdat geen enkele relatie hetzelfde is, is iedere invulling van een elopement ook anders. Dus begin eens met nagaan wat jullie graag doen samen, wat er uniek is aan jullie relatie, en hoe jullie ideale weekend er uit ziet. Zijn jullie bijvoorbeeld echte knuffelaars die graag uren in bed en bad doorbrengen? Denk dan aan een knus huisje met een zacht bed, en een hot tub onder de sterren. Of zijn jullie actieve avonturiers die samen op zoek gaan naar adrenaline kicks? Dan past een boottocht over een gletsjermeer in IJsland wellicht goed bij jullie, of paardrijden door de Schotse highlands. Wanneer jullie mij als jullie elopementfotograaf willen, denk ik ENORM graag met jullie mee!
Ben je fulltime fotograaf?Hell yeah, best job in the world! Sinds 2011 fotografeer ik beroepsmatig, en sinds 2019 fulltime. Dat wil niet zeggen dat ik alleen elopements en bruiloften fotografeer, want ik hou ook van afwisseling - zolang opdrachten maar een link hebben met de natuur of het buitenleven. Voor elopements in het buitenland reserveer ik zo'n 3 plekjes per jaar, zodat ik ook voldoende tijd bij mijn gezin kan zijn.